Thursday, September 26, 2013



So people’s since today is September 26th,  the birthday of Mr. Incredible Berrii himself AG, I felt it fitting to share some birthday facts today J

An amazing fact I came across is that every year, we share our birthday with more than 19 million people!!! It is also estimated that we are never more than 10 days from the birthday of a close friend or member of our family.

These facts truly show us the role birthdays play in all of our lives. Celebrating birthdays are times when we are able to experience happy memories get made. Families get together and celebrate  the day someone they care about was born. Looking back over the years, I think we can all agree that birthdays are true landmarks in people’s lives. We can all recall what it is we did for our 16th birthday! Our 18th and our 21st!!! These are days we never forget about. Nothing leaves a loving memory as a meaningful memorable gift we might  have received that we still till this day treasure!  


A BIG Happy Birthday wish goes out to AG! Your birth flower just happens to be the aster! The aster flower symbolizes love, faith, wisdom and color.  And the meaning of aster is “star”! How fitting is that? It’s NO wonder you fill our world with so much light!

Happy birthday to anyone else that is celebrating another trip around the glorious sun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, right back atcha, Berri, congratulations all around, but hey! What was it you did mean by putting AG after, as if you meant to say yours truly or so? Ave, gratia?

    Oh, and, eh.. Yeah. Aster is star - and, by extension, god. Zion is from kedon, kwedon Old French, Gaelic - stick, kid and sprout. Saa was a snake god once and is the root of Saacadic, which is the name of the white niose you get when you move your eyes, which the brain doesn't register as visual information. Lat is High Speech in German for let, as in let in ~latin (and lazy in Norwegian). Gar was one of the word Sumerians had listed 100s of synonyms to, on one of their word lists of their ancient, royal language (and root of such homesome words such as grad, gard, gård [city, town, farmstead] germania, gjerde [fence], Geírr [spear] ) Many bakers and cooks become psychopaths. Mmm. Well; Better to be on the good side with the persons touching your feed. Grain from the chaff and all that. Knock on wood!
